Lo stampaggio ad iniezione è una forma di produzione industriale estremamente delicata che richiede attenzioni e accorgimenti specifici in ogni fase progettuale.
Per questo motivo offro Soluzioni e Assistenza nella progettazione e nella realizzazione degli stampi che, oltre a dover sostenere un intenso ritmo produttivo prolungato nel tempo, devono essere tarati e consolidati per generare un prodotto finito privo di imperfezioni.
Le mie Soluzioni coinvolgono realtà esclusivamente italiane di piccole dimensioni ma estremamente specializzate nel proprio settore che garantiscono una flessibilità avanzata che le strutture più grandi, rigide, non sono in grado di offrire.
Soluzioni quindi dal punto di vista economico e tecnico che si affiancano ad un servizio specializzato in grado di soddisfare le specifiche esigenze del cliente, potendo seguire e supervisionare anche lavori affidati a fornitori esterni alla mia rete di professionisti. Un risparmio di tempo e denaro che si traduce in un aumento della qualità del prodotto.
Da una prima esperienza come manager per un’importante azienda costruttrice di stampi, nel 1993 ho avviato un’azienda per la vendita degli stessi, in collaborazione con stampisti italiani altamente specializzati. È nata così la mia rete di specialisti del settore con cui collaboro e sviluppo progetti internazionali. Sono alla continua ricerca dell’innovazione e della perfezione per rappresentare nel mondo l’elevata qualità della meccanica italiana. In oltre 20 anni di lavoro ho stretto rapporti professionali in oltre 40 Paesi: dagli Stati Uniti, passando per l’Oriente, fino all’America Latina.
I had chances to know Luca several years ago as we were in need of moulds of good quality from a reliable European supplier. He introduced us a small to medium company that we would have never found on our own. As we trusted him we decided to buy from the supplier he introduced us. That was the first of several moulds we purchased following his suggestion. His knowledge of different specialized suppliers was a good thing for us as ours is a differentiated production. Still now, after several years we are in touch and ask his advice when we are in need of high quality moulds at the best quality/price ratio. Aside of this, he has deep knowledge in the mould making engineering. It is a real pleasure to work with him as he is a cheerful, optimistic and professional guy.
The last six year we have cooperated with Luca in order to develop one of the most innovated and difficult products in the plastic industry the last 20 years, Multitank 420 liters sustainable packaging solution. Luca support our company in all sectors of development. Design the product, manufacture the molds, finding the correct producers, raw material research but also in marketing. His commitment to the project and the professional but in the same time personal approach was incredible. Multitank is a point of reference in plastic industry and we own a big part to Luca. Without Luca this project was impossible to be accomplished. He is now our exclusive partner in molds and we will trust to him our next innovations and developments. Me personally and all the team of Multitank we are grateful that Luca was in our side and we hope that our cooperation will continue for many years.
We have been cooperating with Luca for five years. He helped us to find good mold makers able to produce good quality tools for our new development. His know-how in mold and mold makers are very strong. He's always available and pleasant. All of that make our collaboration very positive.
I met Luca when we were both young guys gaining our first years of working experience. I was a project manager at a company in the Perstorp group and Luca was the Area Manager in a big company making moulds. I immediately appreciated his very professional and service minded approach in what was a very important project. Together we managed to resolve all issues in this and coming projects, and together with Luca I also had good fun which over time developed in to a good personal relation. I agree with his idea of cooperating with specialized suppliers. It reduces potential risks that a new project may bring allowing the customer to find a reliable partner.
I had the pleasure to share with Luca several projects for which we had to purchase moulds. I know very well the Italian market as a geographic area rich of mould makers. In spite of this, his deep knowledge of the market has brought me to know specialized mould makers that I would have had difficulties to know as not well known in the international market. I also had the possibility to appreciate his big availability and also sympathy that made our cooperation even more enjoyable.
We found Mr. Luca Mencarelli very open, understanding our requirement of a high quality moulds, training of our production/tooling engineers. Mr. Luca shared information such as mould drawings, materials and even came to our plant in India for commissioning of the mould. He is equally prompt and responsive to supply of spares when required. He has great negotiating skills making us have competitive offers. Apart from being a very good business partner, Mr. Luca is very friendly and thoughtful.
In the past few year our company had the opportunity to collaborate with Mr. Luca Mencarelli on several mold project. Luca's professional approach and availability was greatly appreciated and contributed in the success of our projects. Luca allowed us to meet with very competent tool makers we would have had trouble finding by ourselves. He also gave us useful feedback and advice, and contributed in improving our internal process.
Our company developed a sophisticated high volume folding crate tool for the New Zealand and Australian produce market. We chose to work with Luca to develop the product and tool design. One advantage that Luca offered us was a family tool that is able to manufacture different sizes. Luca was invaluable to us in the development of this product from the product design to choosing a tooling company to managing the shipping and installation of the tool in our machines. Despite us being on the other side of the world Luca’s communication, advise and commitment to our success has been exceptional. The tool has been running issue free for 4 years now and helped by Luca’s advise and support it has been a commercially successful project.
Without hesitation I would recommend Luca Mencarelli.
I began utilizing the expertise of Luca Mencarelli in 1998. It was the start of a long lasting cooperation, and together we completed over 23 projects in moulds as well as three high speed assembling machines made for our various productions sites worldwide. Luca is a person to trust, flexible in different approaches to business, and a believer in win-win concepts. I appreciate his continuous search for specialized suppliers with important quality/price ratio. He was excellent at communicating our specifications and priorities to his suppliers and at delivering the agreed upon work in a timely fashion. Not last, he is a truly nice person to deal with, and when this is added to Italian hospitality featuring great food and wine, the pleasure of working with him is even higher!
Ogni stampo è un pezzo unico, realizzato su misura per ogni cliente,
sulla base delle singole specificità ed esigenze.
Nel corso degli anni ho collaborato alla realizzazione di stampi per:
Oggetti per l'imballaggio, preforme, bottiglie, tappi, casse.
Grandi imballaggi, bidoni e pallet.
Componentistica per auto e moto: paraurti, cruscotti, portelloni, griglie, spoiler, telai.
Componenti elettrici ed elettronici, connettori, maniglie, pin e filtri.
Accessori e prodotti per l'igiene e l'ambito sanitario: pipette e provette.
Accessori e componenti per sistemi idraulici: raccordi e gocciolatori.
Articoli per la casa: posate, bicchieri, contenitori, articoli per la pulizia.
Carrelli, valigeria, trolley.
Articoli per l'arredamento: sedie e mobili.
Attrezzatura e macchine per la produzione e l'assemblaggio
Stampi ad iniezione per pressofusione metallica.
Con gli occhi di un giovane curioso e appassionato, terminato il percorso di studi mi sono specializzato tra l’Inghilterra e la Germania. Di lì a poco ho iniziato a girare il mondo così da arricchire il mio bagaglio personale e lavorativo.
Ad oggi sono un professionista affermato, consapevole del valore del mio operato e del rapporto con i miei clienti. posso definirmi un anello di congiunzione che mette in contatto l'industria internazionale con le piccole aziende italiane altamente specializzate, ricercando e analizzando il mercato in modo specifico così da garantire un servizio di alta qualità.
Stabilisco un punto d’incontro importante per entrambe: una risposta alle esigenze delle prime, un’opportunità di crescita per le seconde.
In questo modo negli anni ho costruito una rete di relazioni con soggetti importanti che posso definire “collaboratori esterni” grazie al profondo rapporto di stima e fiducia.
Serietà e competenza contraddistinguono la mia professionalità. L’attenzione che dedico ai dettagli mi permette di seguire da vicino con particolari accorgimenti tutte le fasi progettuali, da quella iniziale fino al collaudo finale.
Negli anni sono cresciuto come libero professionista, spinto dalla passione e dalla curiosità di conoscere il mondo e di arricchirlo con l’eccellenza del Made in Italy.
Il rispetto e la trasparenza sono le fondamenta su cui costruisco i rapporti con i miei clienti, consapevole dell’importanza dei valori che la mia famiglia mi ha trasmesso.
Viaggiando ho imparato ad apprezzare le bellezze del mondo e a renderle parte integrante del mio lavoro. Per questo rappresento anche al di fuori dei confini italiani l’affidabilità e l’eccellenza degli stampi ad iniezione rigorosamente Made in Italy.
Ho sviluppato le mie competenze seguendo due linee direttrici parallele: da un lato soddisfo le esigenze del cliente seguendo la realizzazione dello stampo in tutte le sue fasi; dall’altro lato sono un partner affidabile per le piccole aziende italiane altamente specializzate che vogliono inserirsi e competere sul mercato globale.
Curo ogni progetto in maniera esclusiva assicurandomi che vengano rispettati gli elevati standard qualitativi e le tempistiche di consegna, oltre a garantire al cliente tutto il supporto e l’assistenza necessari.
I had the pleasure to share with Luca several projects for which we had to purchase moulds. I know very well the Italian market as a geographic area rich of mould makers. In spite of this, his deep knowledge of the market has brought me to know specialized mould makers that I would have had difficulties to know as not well known in the international market. I also had the possibility to appreciate his big availability and also sympathy that made our cooperation even more enjoyable. Stefan Ozdogramaciyan Managing Director